Well the Election seem's to have gone to slick willie, and frankley we blame you, the voters, for our defeat. Damnit you have an opportunity to put a punk band in the highest office and you blow it. The Nerve! Buy our shit anyway ok.
Dirtbombs in `00
Calander Well as always we are on tour! DIY Resources. So you think we suck huh? Well then why don't you fucking do a better job yourself! Here are some things to help you out. Testemonials. See what other people think of us, then your own opinion. How conveinint. |
3 a.m. Earache Records is releasing our CD soon. Download it here Read the Tour Diary a work in progress by Joey Killing. A semificticious or semitruthful (depends on your perspective) account of our adventures Links cause dead ends suck. |
The Dirtbombs official statment on the matter.
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