Dirtbombs in `96 - rock the vote


Well the Election seem's to have gone to slick willie, and frankley we blame you, the voters, for our defeat. Damnit you have an opportunity to put a punk band in the highest office and you blow it. The Nerve! Buy our shit anyway ok.

Dirtbombs in `00

Hello. Thanks For stopping by the Dirtbombs! web site. Were another one of those damn punk bands eating up bandwidth with this self promoting drivel. Of course this site is a work in progress (aren't we all) but we hope that you'll find some stuff you like

boom! Calander Well as always we are on tour!

boom! DIY Resources. So you think we suck huh? Well then why don't you fucking do a better job yourself! Here are some things to help you out.

boom! Testemonials. See what other people think of us, then your own opinion. How conveinint.

boom! Games!

boom! 3 a.m. Earache Records is releasing our CD soon. Download it here now

boom! Read the Tour Diary a work in progress by Joey Killing. A semificticious or semitruthful (depends on your perspective) account of our adventures

boom!A slide show

boom! Links cause dead ends suck.

boom! Send us Mail and tell us how much we suck

boom! Contribute to the site

boom! Join List When I figure this damn html you can use this page to sign up for our mailings


News Flash. INGLIS, FL - Florida town bans Satan. Notice. Going forward the Dirtbombs boycott the town of Inglis, Florida and will *never* play any shows there unless they lift the ban.
The Dirtbombs official statment on the matter.


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If You See Bob walking down the road, Kill Me