Here's what people are saying about us
" Like, I hear that you guys are like, really cool, you know? And, I would like, Like? to get a copy of your groovy tourguide, like, when you have one available. You're too swell.
LoVe, fLeX "
Don't be mistaken as I was. This is not the Mick Collins' Dirtbombs. These East Coast punks are snotty and witty in the same breath. They sound like a lot of obscure Punk bands from the late '70s, with a simple drum beat and simple guitar riffs, going through pissed-off, Pistols-inspired Punk nuggets.
Mark Murrmann
Real Music Guide
Godzilla, Monster
City Demolition, Inc.
"Good to see that the Dirtbombs are continuing onward in your quest forworld annihilation."
hunneman associates * mgccs * }hexdump{ * dissonance * mvm * heavy machinery
ElectroJihad Strategy Coordinator for the Philadelphia Electro Society
"Dirtbombs SUX"
Some Idiot, Metal Head
Mall Rats Are Us
Well I can't remeber anything Jay said , but he did link us to his home page, so check out his. Jay's Home Page.
Oh yea this isn't a real shot of Jay. At least I don't think so. We'll put a real one up if he sends it to us.
Jay Wood, Dude
"Carefully chosen cliches spliced together with a spastic loving hand . . ."
"The worst new band in America. I love them . . ."
Laid "Zine
"You guys are like Calvin and Hobbes on bad acid."
Stage Manager, Freefest