Dirtbombs rocks lynx all year

1996 Dirtbombs! Events

- January - - February - - March - - April -

- May - - June - - July - - August -

- September - - October - - November - - December -

The World Domination Tour! GIF of Tour Map
July 11, Ralphs Dinner, Wormtown
Aug 1, Skate Station, Fayetteville, AK
Aug 3, Lady Boy, Neenah, WI
??? Aug 8, Al's Bar, Los Angeles, CA ???
Aug 11, Pure Energy, Colorado Springs, CO
Aug 12, Lincoln Youth Coalition, Lincoln, NE
Aug 15, Lake Union Pub, Seattle, WA
Aug 23, AS220, Providence, RI
Aug 27, TT the Bear's, Cambridge, MA
Aug 30, The Court Tavern, New Brunswick, NJ

What? You say were not playing your town!! Well if you can get us a gig and it fits into our scedual we'll fucking play anytime anywhere! email us with more tour dates!!! dirtbombs@punkass.com. We'll also would love to vist our fans. Drop us a note and we'll stop by (and eat your food, and shower and sleep on your floor. Please!!!)

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